Sunday, March 23, 2008

Murphy's Law

I was watching a bunch of Atheist vs. Creationist videos today on YouTube (very reputable, no?), and I think that got my mind spinning in a religious direction, because when I was washing the dishes just now I thought up this idea for this blog. Oh and I just realized that it's Easter, so it's even more topical!

Ok, I believe in Murphy's Law, which, for those who don't know it, states quite generally "Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong" (Wikipedia). For example, if your band has been practicing a song for weeks and you finally get it right a few days before your first show, you expect that the show will go smoothly. Unfortunately when the day of that show arrives, your van gets a flat tire, and you were already late because of the lead guitarist running out of hair gel, and by the time you get there, other acts have gone in your place so they push you to the end of the show, but before you get a chance, one of the other bands gets sick of the crowd booing them and throws his guitar at a heckler who dodges it, and the guitar crashes into a main amp, exploding into a fiery spark show which causes much confusion and sadness. The rest of the show is unfortunately canceled, and you have missed your moment.

So then I applied Murphy's Law to Christian religion and I figured that the Rapture should probably be coming very very soon. This is because I am now more atheist than I have ever been, and if it turns out that the Christian God does exists and takes all His people back to Heaven with Him, then I will be quite stuck here on earth. Since right now (or I guess anytime in my future) would be a bad time for me, it is likely that this is when the Rapture will occur. Of course this is a most selfish way of looking at it. As if I had anything to do with God's decision. Of course, that second coming of Jesus probably doesn't rest solely upon when I decide to believe whatever I believe, but...I mean...maybe it does?


Anonymous said...

I think you do have something to do with God's decision. And don't be so sarcastic with "God's babies"... It really sounds condescending towards Christians and that can be bothersome. Peace:D

Doug said...

I'm sorry about the "God's babies" sounding sarcastic. I didn't mean it that way, so I changed it to people. Not sure if it puts across the same message.

Kelley said...

Haha, looks like you have quite a few Christians reading your blog Doug. ;)

Doug said...

What can I say? Christians is good people. [sic]

Anonymous said...

"Christians is good people" indeed:D

and thanks for the switch. That was nice.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.