Thursday, September 6, 2007

Us all.

I am human. In all the world, if there was ever a truth, this is it. Anyone can say it, and it will be true, but will they understand the full implications of it? Will they feel the innate connection to every other human being that I now feel? This is the first time my mind has realized this bold statement, and I am glad it is there, because it makes me feel not like a lone creature in the Universe, dwindling away my life in some futile attempt at success, but like a part of something greater, an entire species shouting out at the Universe, saying "That's right, Universe, we are the best, and we are going to keep being the best, and one day we will explore all of you, and we will become all powerful and learn everything there ever was, because we will be in the ancient folds of space, ever closer to the beginning, ever closer to being masters of it all!"

It seems like this new connection should rock my foundations, but somehow I feel the same. It seems like it should bring my beliefs all to a wonderful conclusion, because my lack of belief in God would foster the thought that each person is a complete separate entity, evolved to perfection with no help from any outside forces, but it does not do that. It does not do much, except make me feel the urge to smile shyly as I walk by someone in the halls, make me think to myself about what they were just doing, and what they will be doing later, and why I haven't seen them before.

I need to appreciate everyone. Especially people I have not met, who have never done anything for me. Those are the people who are most important, because they live a life which is totally anonymous to me, full of mystery, and shrouded in fog. They are the ones I can wonder about. They give my mind meaning.

They are my imagination's playground.


Anonymous said...

Doug. This is good. You are wise for your years. when i have more to say i will.

Kelley said...

This is really something else, Doug. I didn't know you were so deep. :)

Doug said...

Thanks guys!