Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Die Pozilei

Yeah that means the police, kinda.

So yesterday I'm standing on Third Street in San Jose, right by the University, and I'm standing there for about three minutes. During this time I notice two police officers over on the cross street (I think it's San Carlos or San Fernando...) talking to a certain suspect. The suspect has his right hand in his back pocket and his other hand he is using to talk to the officers. I can't hear them, but it looks like they might want whatever is in his pocket. The officers move toward him, and one begins to grab for the suspects arm, but he pulls away an runs for it! I have never seen a real police chase before. So he runs down Second, then comes through the parking structure onto Third, right near me. He runs across the street, not moving very quickly, but the officers can't seem to keep up. As he makes it across the street, he ducks into a walkway that connects to Fourth Street. A police bicycle whizzes by me toward the pursued. Then another long bike of the law comes pouring around the corner and speeds of after that one. Seconds later, a squad car drives toward Fourth on the cross street. then another comes down Third, and turns onto the cross-street toward Fourth.

I wonder what was in his pocket?

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Lol, wow that sounds very exciting to have seen! There probably wasn't anything more interesting than drugs in his pocket, but hiding things and running from the police is always a stupid idea.