Session Start (Dug0C:moontrace): Tue Aug 14 21:05:11 2007
[21:05] moontrace: hey... you have my shirt
[21:05] Dug0C: i know
[21:05] Dug0C: im sorry
[21:05] Dug0C: i had to take it
[21:05] Dug0C: it smelled really good
[21:06] moontrace: haha, wow that's an awesome response
[21:06] Dug0C: I'm glad youre not mad
[21:07] moontrace: yeah, i'll forgive you
[21:07] Dug0C: sweet
[21:07] Dug0C: so, other than the whole shirt ordel
[21:07] Dug0C: ordeal*
[21:07] Dug0C: whjats up?
[21:07] Dug0C: you miss him?
[21:07] moontrace: him?
[21:07] Dug0C: i know i would
[21:07] Dug0C: ok lol maybe not
[21:07] Dug0C: what with all the WoW
[21:07] Dug0C: but hey
[21:08] Dug0C: so how you doing?
[21:08] moontrace: you're pretty random
[21:08] Dug0C: thanks
[21:08] Dug0C: :)
[21:08] moontrace: i'm doing well, how about yourself?
[21:08] Dug0C: pretty alright and a half
[21:09] Dug0C: how did you get this number?
[21:09] moontrace: well
[21:09] moontrace: i was checking out threadless
[21:10] Dug0C: sexy
[21:10] moontrace: and saw that you have my shirt
[21:10] moontrace: so, way to have good taste
[21:10] Dug0C: no problem
[21:10] Dug0C: um so which one was yours again?
[21:10] Dug0C: the smell wore off
[21:10] Dug0C: i cant tell anymore
[21:11] moontrace: the watching my back one
[21:12] moontrace: i have yet to really wear it, i think i'll wait till i go back to school, but i kinda want to see the response it gets
[21:12] Dug0C: oui
[21:12] Dug0C: i'll go with you first day of school and we can wear it together
[21:13] moontrace: sounds like a plan
[21:13] Dug0C: Aug 23
[21:13] Dug0C: what time you got class?
[21:13] moontrace: i don't
[21:14] moontrace: not until the 27th
[21:14] Dug0C: oh goodness
[21:14] Dug0C: thats a monday
[21:14] moontrace: tis
[21:14] Dug0C: and what time?
[21:14] moontrace: 9:30?
[21:14] Dug0C: i can do that
[21:15] Dug0C: we could go early
[21:15] Dug0C: walk around
[21:15] Dug0C: get reactions
[21:15] Dug0C: neh?
[21:15] moontrace: alright, book that into your schedule
[21:16] Dug0C: how do you get down there?
[21:16] moontrace: you gotta walk
[21:16] Dug0C: lol
[21:17] Dug0C: wait
[21:17] Dug0C: walk to where?
[21:18] moontrace: why my school of course
[21:18] Dug0C: but its 23 miles
[21:18] Dug0C: ...
[21:18] Dug0C: and you cant walk 880
[21:18] Dug0C: too many cars
[21:18] moontrace: hmm
[21:19] moontrace: maybe a bike would be better
[21:19] Dug0C: oh sure
[21:19] Dug0C: my friend goes there, and he has some student thing where he gets free bus rides to ffremont bart station
[21:19] Dug0C: thats where i pick him up when he comes over
[21:21] moontrace: yeah, go there, the 27th of august at 9:00 am
[21:21] Dug0C: hmm where can i park though?
[21:22] moontrace: across the street from the big tree, there will be a parking spot with your name on it
[21:22] Dug0C: okay
[21:22] Dug0C: how will you get there?
[21:23] Dug0C: your bike?
[21:23] moontrace: i'll walk
[21:24] moontrace: it's good for me
[21:24] Dug0C: thats a damn ong walk
[21:24] Dug0C: long*
[21:25] moontrace: 500 miles is my max
[21:25] Dug0C: mm yes
[21:26] Dug0C: do you know where it is?
[21:27] moontrace: i'm sure i can stumble upon it
[21:27] Dug0C: oh you
[21:28] Dug0C: moontrace
[21:28] moontrace: lol
[21:28] Dug0C: where did you come up with that amazingly tall and sumptuous name?
[21:29] moontrace: it's actually my secret name that i dont tell people about so i can see who's online
[21:29] moontrace: is that bad?
[21:30] Dug0C: it
[21:30] Dug0C: is
[21:30] Dug0C: ...
[21:30] Dug0C: the most wonderful idea
[21:31] moontrace: except now you know my secret...
[21:31] Dug0C: i shall tell no one
[21:31] Dug0C: bu ti shall know
[21:31] moontrace: hm, i don't know if i can trust you
[21:32] Dug0C: you have no choice
[21:32] Dug0C: dont worry
[21:32] Dug0C: i sont disappoint
[21:32] Dug0C: wont*
[21:33] moontrace: good, otherwise there would be consequences beyond measure
[21:33] Dug0C: i'm already beyond measure
[21:33] Dug0C: i can handle it
[21:34] moontrace: that you are
[21:35] moontrace: so where did the 0 come from in your name?
[21:35] Dug0C: well
[21:35] Dug0C: my normal name
[21:35] Dug0C: starts with cool
[21:35] Dug0C: then there's a dug
[21:35] Dug0C: then i got 000
[21:36] Dug0C: that was taken when i got AIM
[21:36] Dug0C: so i put them in the random name generator
[21:36] Dug0C: and it picked that
[21:36] Dug0C: and i sad yes
[21:36] moontrace: well, that's cheap, letting the computer do all the work
[21:36] Dug0C: i know
[21:36] Dug0C: i felt dirty for years
[21:36] Dug0C: but ive forgiven myself
[21:37] Dug0C: i hope you can too
[21:37] Dug0C: someday
[21:37] moontrace: just maybe i can, however not today
[21:37] moontrace: it's too soon
[21:37] Dug0C: i know
[21:37] Dug0C: i wouldnt expect that from anyone
[21:38] Dug0C: but thank you for considering it
[21:38] moontrace: yep, that's what i'm here for
[21:40] moontrace: so you're doug?
[21:40] Dug0C: mm i think thats what the neighbors are saying
[21:40] Dug0C: so you're kat rice?
[21:41] moontrace: if that's what you want to call me
[21:42] Dug0C: i'd rather go with trece
[21:42] moontrace: 13?
[21:42] Dug0C: yep
[21:42] moontrace: that's an unlucky name
[21:42] Dug0C: lol
[21:42] Dug0C: you can call me siete
[21:43] moontrace: well wait, how come you get the lucky name and i get the unlucky one?
[21:43] moontrace: that doesn't seem quite fair
[21:43] Dug0C: let me explain
[21:43] moontrace: please do
[21:45] Dug0C: When the world was being created, 13 types of people there were, and though many were similar, the last kind was accustomed to a more ritualistic type of life, with certain numbers representing their different ways of life and their right to humanity, and these people were mainly fed by a certain grain, which they fertilized using the bodies of dead animals which they had raised from babies and fed and loved.
[21:46] Dug0C: Not the number 7 group of people were the opposite, and they were much more confidential, proper, and against eating grains that had grown from the body of a dead animal, for they so revered their animals, and they ate only what had grown wild from their environs, and this is where each of the two clans gets their names.
[21:47] Dug0C: Because of the cats feeding the rice, katrice.
[21:47] Dug0C: because of their reverence for dogs, Doug. (the spelling changed over many translations.)
[21:47] moontrace: haha, you need to write a book
[21:47] Dug0C: unforunately for you, we have been fated from pre-existence
[21:48] Dug0C: would you buy my book?
[21:49] moontrace: sure, if it is as random as your thoughts are
[21:49] moontrace: let me know when it's on amazon
[21:49] Dug0C: it would have to be
[21:50] moontrace: then yes, i'd buy it
[21:50] Dug0C: brb, my water is empty
[21:51] moontrace: alright
[21:58] Dug0C: sorry im late
[21:58] Dug0C: i decided popcorn was absolutely necessary
[21:59] moontrace: that sounds pretty good right now
[21:59] Dug0C: come on over
[21:59] Dug0C: its less than 500 miles
[21:59] moontrace: well if it's less than 500 miles, i guess i'll be right over
[21:59] moontrace: is it movie theater style?
[21:59] moontrace: that's my favorite
[22:00] Dug0C: its butter lovers
[22:01] moontrace: have you ever tried blast o butter?
[22:01] Dug0C: i dont know bro
[22:01] Dug0C: maybe back in the day
[22:02] moontrace: it's intense
[22:02] Dug0C: is it salty?
[22:02] Dug0C: i like the butter
[22:02] Dug0C: but not tooo salty
[22:02] moontrace: only try it if you're in for a sodium overload
[22:02] Dug0C: na mean?
[22:02] Dug0C: oh i see
[22:03] Dug0C: well i'll bring extra water
[22:03] moontrace: that's good, water is a must
[22:03] moontrace: i don't get enough of it
[22:03] Dug0C: i see
[22:04] moontrace: but they ssay the 8 glasses per day thing is a myth
[22:04] Dug0C: oh really?
[22:04] Dug0C: all i know
[22:04] Dug0C: water is amazing
[22:04] Dug0C: makes me feel great
[22:05] moontrace: you can tell a difference if you drink less?
[22:05] Dug0C: well i can tell a difference if i drink more
[22:06] Dug0C: normally i drink a good amount, but not like a LOT
[22:07] Dug0C: sometimes i drink a lot
[22:07] Dug0C: and oh its good
[22:07] moontrace: bottled or tap?
[22:07] Dug0C: filtered tap poured into arrowhead bottles
[22:08] moontrace: nothing is ever simple with you, is it?
[22:08] Dug0C: well
[22:08] Dug0C: life is only lived once
[22:09] Dug0C: better make it hard as possiible
[22:10] Dug0C: disagree?
[22:10] moontrace: to some degree
[22:10] Dug0C: lol
[22:10] Dug0C: good
[22:11] moontrace: i get by on the simple until i get bored and feel the need to make it more complex
[22:12] Dug0C: i love simple
[22:12] Dug0C: where im from, water is good straight from the tap
[22:12] Dug0C: lol
[22:13] moontrace: i can't tell a difference between my tap here and bottled
[22:13] Dug0C: yeah your house is fine for drinking
[22:14] moontrace: and plus tap has flouride, woo
[22:14] Dug0C: my house here is not as good
[22:14] moontrace: i don't see why people buy bottled water like they do
[22:14] Dug0C: lol
[22:15] moontrace: oh america
[22:15] Dug0C: maybe their water is bad?
[22:15] moontrace: could be
[22:15] moontrace: (Link:
[22:15] moontrace: what's your opinion on this shirt?
[22:16] Dug0C: i like the design
[22:16] Dug0C: not the colors
[22:17] moontrace: i just found it, it interests me
[22:18] Dug0C: you have other threadless shirts?>
[22:19] moontrace: nope, i'm a newbie
[22:19] moontrace: i just got my first shirt a week or 2 ago
[22:20] Dug0C: (Link:
[22:20] Dug0C: i dontr get that one
[22:21] moontrace: that's creepy
[22:22] moontrace: have you submitted anything?
[22:22] Dug0C: no
[22:22] Dug0C: im n0o good at photoshop
[22:22] Dug0C: what about you?
[22:22] Dug0C: oh no i guess not
[22:22] Dug0C: n00b
[22:23] moontrace: nope, i'm not that artsy
[22:23] moontrace: nor can i think of any good ideas
[22:23] Dug0C: yeah i have no ideas
[22:24] Dug0C: theres a light in the darkness, though the night is black as my skin
[22:24] moontrace: i wish i did though, because 2K would be nice
[22:24] Dug0C: lol aeriouslyt
[22:25] Dug0C: didnt they raise it to 2.5k?
[22:25] moontrace: did they?
[22:25] Dug0C: i think so
[22:25] moontrace: that's a lot of moolah
[22:25] Dug0C: oui
[22:25] Dug0C: je ne se pas
[22:26] Dug0C: i dont speak french
[22:27] moontrace: neither do i
[22:27] moontrace: my neighbors used to speak french
[22:28] moontrace: i baby-sat their kids and the parents would yell at each other in french and i would hear my name thrown around in there and not know what they were talking about
[22:28] moontrace: it was sketchy
[22:29] Dug0C: maybe they were discussing whether you would be in their threesome
[22:29] Dug0C: you know those odd french
[22:29] moontrace: they were french canadians too
[22:30] Dug0C: i speak canadian eh
[22:31] moontrace: ha, maybe you can minor in canadian
[22:31] Dug0C: now thats an idea
[22:33] moontrace: yep
[22:33] moontrace: i'm a smart one
[22:34] Dug0C: you know what?
[22:34] Dug0C: my shoes are many colors
[22:34] moontrace: what's that?
[22:35] Dug0C: what color are yours?
[22:35] moontrace: do you have indigo?
[22:35] Dug0C: no
[22:35] Dug0C: not that many colors
[22:35] Dug0C: even if i had indigo i probably couldnt tell
[22:35] moontrace: lol
[22:36] moontrace: i have the basics
[22:36] moontrace: brown, black, gray, white
[22:36] moontrace: but flip flops
[22:36] moontrace: those i have many colors
[22:37] Dug0C: brown, grey, black, black and tan, red and white
[22:37] Dug0C: no flip flops
[22:37] Dug0C: i had a pair once
[22:37] Dug0C: they broke
[22:37] Dug0C: :(
[22:37] moontrace: boo
[22:37] moontrace: buy another
[22:37] Dug0C: thinking about it?
[22:38] moontrace: i have brown black, blue striped, mulit-colored stripes, pink, light blue, palm trees, bambooish type
[22:39] Dug0C: mm bamboo
[22:39] Dug0C: amazing
[22:39] moontrace: pretty much
[22:39] Dug0C: you ever get pandas attacking you and eating your shoes?
[22:39] moontrace: can't say that i have
[22:40] moontrace: however it would make for a great story
[22:41] Dug0C: reminds me of that threadless shirt
[22:41] Dug0C: pandamonium
[22:41] moontrace: sounds familiar
[22:42] moontrace: does it have a panda eating someone's flip flop?
[22:42] Dug0C: lol no
[22:42] moontrace: because that would be pretty ironic
[22:42] Dug0C: a panda sitting still
[22:42] Dug0C: eating tanks and getting shot at by helicopters
[22:42] moontrace: oh yeah, i've seen that
[22:43] moontrace: i have to pack tomorrow
[22:44] Dug0C: pack?
[22:44] Dug0C: for what?
[22:44] moontrace: school
[22:44] Dug0C: pack for school?
[22:44] moontrace: leaving thurs
[22:45] moontrace: 3.5 hr drive
[22:45] Dug0C: ?
[22:45] Dug0C: where are you?
[22:45] moontrace: the middle of the country
[22:45] Dug0C: huh?
[22:45] Dug0C: did i miss something?
[22:46] moontrace: hm?
[22:46] Dug0C: middle off the country?
[22:46] moontrace: yep
[22:46] Dug0C: what countrty?
[22:47] moontrace: us?
[22:48] Dug0C: my goodness
[22:48] moontrace: where are you?
[22:49] Dug0C: some house
[22:49] Dug0C: i just woke up here
[22:49] Dug0C: its a dirty bathroom
[22:49] Dug0C: there is a box on the floor
[22:49] moontrace: apparently it has internet access
[22:49] Dug0C: a chain around my neck
[22:49] Dug0C: and there is a laptop on the other end of the chain
[22:50] moontrace: that's convienient
[22:50] Dug0C: well
[22:50] Dug0C: at least i have all my parts
[22:51] Dug0C: did you knwo that the corny collins show is integrated?
[22:51] moontrace: yep, that's good news to hear
[22:51] moontrace: glad they fired the blonde
[22:52] Dug0C: i know seriously
[22:52] moontrace: if i could dance i'd go audition
[22:53] Dug0C: lol
[22:53] Dug0C: if i could dance i would too
[22:53] Dug0C: dance is amr fun thing
[22:53] Dug0C: an*
[22:53] moontrace: amr?
[22:53] moontrace: ah
[22:53] moontrace: an still doesn't work though
[22:54] Dug0C: yeah, but you cant stop the beat.
[22:54] moontrace: lol
[22:56] Dug0C: did you see rush hour 3?
[22:56] moontrace: nope
[22:56] Dug0C: i bought a theater, but they were still sold out
[22:56] moontrace: darn the luck
[22:56] Dug0C: i am the man who has not seen it
[22:57] Dug0C: nor have i seen bourne ultimatum
[22:57] moontrace: wow, who hasn't seen that one
[22:57] moontrace: (besides me)
[22:57] Dug0C: lol
[22:58] Dug0C: well they dont have good quality downloads afvailable yet
[22:58] moontrace: i watched the simpons movie that way
[22:58] Dug0C: and i dont want to go see it in theater alone
[22:58] Dug0C: i DLed simpsons too
[22:58] moontrace: take a friend
[22:58] Dug0C: i havent a friend
[22:58] Dug0C: would you go with me?
[22:58] Dug0C: :)
[22:58] Dug0C: pretty please?
[22:58] moontrace: maybe
[22:58] moontrace: if you're lucky
[22:59] Dug0C: well i am siete
[22:59] moontrace: lol
[22:59] moontrace: that was bad
[22:59] Dug0C: oh yeah?
[22:59] Dug0C: i didnt think it was so bad...
[23:00] moontrace: that's because you said it
[23:00] Dug0C: lol
[23:00] Dug0C: ok
[23:00] Dug0C: now i understand
[23:00] moontrace: yep, glad it makes sense now
[23:01] moontrace: i might go see hairspray again with you
[23:01] Dug0C: lol oh yeah?
[23:01] Dug0C: why is that?
[23:01] Dug0C: such an awesome movie?
[23:01] moontrace: pretty much, yeah
[23:02] Dug0C: i wish they would have done more with travolta
[23:02] Dug0C: he is a great dancer
[23:02] moontrace: yeah, but i guess they kind of have to follow the script
[23:02] Dug0C: lol
[23:02] Dug0C: totally forgot about that
[23:03] moontrace: haha, yep
[23:03] moontrace: did you see ricki lake at the end?
[23:03] Dug0C: no i did not!
[23:03] moontrace: she was tracy in the 1st one, so she had a cameo
[23:04] Dug0C: the first one?
[23:04] Dug0C: there was another movie?
[23:04] Dug0C: or on the play?
[23:04] moontrace: there was another movie
[23:05] moontrace: i haven't seen it though
[23:05] moontrace: maybe we could watch that one instead
[23:05] Dug0C: yes yes?
[23:05] Dug0C: which one?
[23:05] Dug0C: oh
[23:05] Dug0C: hairspray
[23:05] Dug0C: lol
[23:06] moontrace: lol, yep
[23:06] moontrace: just as long as there's popcorn
[23:06] moontrace: and water
[23:06] Dug0C: well if im there, water will be trhere
[23:07] moontrace: no popcorn?
[23:07] Dug0C: yeah i could bring popcorn too
[23:07] Dug0C: im just saying
[23:07] Dug0C: lol
[23:08] moontrace: lol, good
[23:08] moontrace: i'm glad that there will be both popcorn and water
[23:09] Dug0C: so, that movie should be here in a few days
[23:09] Dug0C: friday im guessing
[23:09] Dug0C: maybe sat though
[23:09] moontrace: hm, it might take me till sat to walk 500 miles to get there
[23:10] Dug0C: what city are you in?
[23:10] moontrace: what city are you in?
[23:10] Dug0C: lol
[23:10] Dug0C: that of the Union
[23:10] Dug0C: brb
[23:10] moontrace: k
[23:13] Dug0C: and you?
[23:13] moontrace: wait, wait
[23:13] moontrace: that of the union, what does that even mean?
[23:13] Dug0C: lol
[23:13] Dug0C: union city
[23:14] moontrace: cali?
[23:14] Dug0C: yes
[23:14] Dug0C: i dont usually live outside of california
[23:15] moontrace: i do
[23:15] Dug0C: who am i talking to??
[23:15] moontrace: who do you think you're talking to?
[23:15] Dug0C: some really tall kid
[23:15] moontrace: nope
[23:15] Dug0C: prove me wrong
[23:15] moontrace: how can i prove you wrong?
[23:16] Dug0C: tell me something only you would know
[23:16] Dug0C: what movie did we watch one week ago?
[23:16] moontrace: that doesnt prove anything
[23:16] moontrace: i have no idea, because i'm not a really tall kid
[23:16] Dug0C: my poor child
[23:16] Dug0C: i must away
[23:17] Dug0C: unless to claim your true self
[23:17] moontrace: you leaving me?
[23:17] Dug0C: i dont want to do it
[23:17] Dug0C: but how can i talk to a phantom?
[23:17] moontrace: well, you have been
[23:17] moontrace: so i guess you can do it
[23:18] Dug0C: i dont know
[23:20] moontrace: ok, i'll give you a hint
[23:20] moontrace: i've never been to ca
[23:20] Dug0C: gasp
[23:20] moontrace: shame, i know
[23:20] Dug0C: are you serious?
[23:21] moontrace: yep
[23:21] Dug0C: what state do you live in?
[23:22] moontrace: what do you think?
[23:22] Dug0C: erm...nevada
[23:22] Dug0C: lol
[23:22] moontrace: go more east
[23:22] Dug0C: utah
[23:22] moontrace: keep going
[23:22] Dug0C: nebraska
[23:22] Dug0C: kansas
[23:22] moontrace: almost there
[23:23] moontrace: not quite
[23:23] Dug0C: colorado
[23:23] moontrace: wrong direction
[23:23] Dug0C: oklahoma
[23:23] Dug0C: i need a map
[23:23] Dug0C: lol
[23:23] moontrace: you were closer with kansas
[23:23] moontrace: lol
[23:23] Dug0C: up?
[23:23] Dug0C: wyoming?
[23:23] moontrace: not up
[23:23] Dug0C: S dakota?
[23:23] moontrace: not that way either
[23:23] Dug0C: mmm kentucky
[23:23] moontrace: go west
[23:24] Dug0C: ohio?
[23:24] Dug0C: arkanssas?
[23:24] moontrace: lol, that's not west
[23:24] moontrace: almost
[23:24] Dug0C: um
[23:24] Dug0C: lol
[23:24] Dug0C: im thinking
[23:24] Dug0C: missouri
[23:24] moontrace: hey, you got it
[23:24] Dug0C: wow
[23:24] Dug0C: so you are someone i have never met before
[23:25] Dug0C: you want to know something insane?
[23:25] moontrace: lol, it took you that long to figure that out
[23:25] moontrace: what?
[23:25] Dug0C: this whole time i thought you were this girl i know, named Katrice
[23:25] Dug0C: this
[23:25] Dug0C: whjole
[23:25] Dug0C: time
[23:25] moontrace: lol, that's hilarious
[23:25] moontrace: i was kind of wondering
[23:25] Dug0C: yeah i must have been a little weird eh?
[23:26] moontrace: lol, i just thought that you were a very very random
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